Category Archives: Presbyterian

Live from APCE Conference – Nashville, TN

So today I’m presenting a workshop for the Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators at their 2010 Annual Conference in Nashville, TN. Yesterday, I led a Presbymergent conversation group for those interested in exploring the intersection between the Emerging Church and … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Linux, Music, Open Source, Presbyterian, Second Life, Technology, wiki | Leave a comment

SecondLife, New Church Development in the PCUSA, and Discerning my Calling

What follows is my application essay for a PCUSA New Church Development Discernment  Conference this October, answering the simple question “Why do you want to attend this event?”  Since it marks some major changes (or clarification) in my thinking, and … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, goals, Life, Presbyterian, Second Life | 3 Comments


In my Church History class, we have recently moved from the early era of the persecuted church into the era of the church-in-bed-with-the-empire.  This also happens to be the era of creeds.  I get the sense that for many, this … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Church, Ordination, Presbyterian | Tagged , , , , | 15 Comments

Presbymeme II

Bruce Reyes-Chow, who is to the Presbyterian Church what Jesus was to mankind, but without the whole divinity thing [ducks in anticipation of things being thrown at him], and who also happens to be our very serious and distinguished moderator, … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Presbyterian | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

Liveblogging GA218 from the Wrong Coast

For Presbyterians, General Assembly is part family reunion, part mega-convention, and part election day. It happens every two years, and decides a bunch of issues and proposed resolutions, as well as elects a Moderator (kind of like a cross between … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, Life, Presbyterian, Superheroes | Tagged , , , | 4 Comments