Category Archives: goals

SecondLife, New Church Development in the PCUSA, and Discerning my Calling

What follows is my application essay for a PCUSA New Church Development Discernment  Conference this October, answering the simple question “Why do you want to attend this event?”  Since it marks some major changes (or clarification) in my thinking, and … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, goals, Life, Presbyterian, Second Life | 3 Comments

Just a Quick Warm-Up Post

So my break from the blog was a little longer than my break from classes. But I’m still here, and several blog-able ideas have been percolating in my mind, with no other constructive outlet. Rather than jump in right away, … Continue reading

Posted in Abby, Beer, Blogging, Church, Classes, goals, Life | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Vow of Silence

The day I was born (according to my mother) one of the doctors listened to my loud cries and quipped, “That kid’s ALL mouth!” And somehow that characterization has followed me ever since. I have an old cassette tape recording … Continue reading

Posted in Autobiographical, goals, monasticism, Reflection | Tagged , , , | 9 Comments

O Happy Letter!

912This Saturday, we received a long-anticipated letter in the mail. I’ve been accepted into the M.Div program at Princeton Seminary. Princeton is one of the oldest and most prestigious seminaries in the nation, has a great academic reputation, and (we … Continue reading

Posted in Church, College, Education, goals, Life | 5 Comments

43 Things

This is way better than a New Year’s Resolution — it’s a year-long, life-long tool. 43 Things is a website where you can Discover & Decide things you REALLY want to do in this life Find other people who want … Continue reading

Posted in Blogging, goals, Life, Technology, Web 2.0 | Leave a comment