A senior, a writer, a journalist, a decathlete…welcome Anjelica to the blogosphere. She might advise you when you get in trouble, go into your dance. Of course, that might be because she’s never seen me do the “coca-cola dance,” right?

Speaking of frightening thoughts, Doc, Mrs. Grimes, Mr. Kendrick, Mr. Suttle, and I (all the Pre-AP and AP English teachers) got together for dinner tonight, plotting new and evil schemes to deprive our students of their social lives. We also got to talk with representatives from the RAE program about college scholarship opportunities–to my freshmen who have already been asking about this: Keep asking. We’ll talk.

Decathletes: Please don’t forget to check the Acadec page from time to time–scores aren’t the only things I’m posting there.

In “baby related news,” still nothing to report–today at least. Amy and I may finally have a name we can agree on, but that doesn’t mean you’ll get it out of us… The “official” due date (which means nothing) is September 8th, and we’ve had all sorts of predictions and bets about when he’ll come. Amy thinks perhaps the 5th, but I’m putting my money on the 14th. He’ll be late (like his mother). Your guess???

On the subject of new names (she’ll hate me for this, I’m sure) Noemi Beltran is in need of a middle name. Seems her parents forgot to give her one. I’m officially opening the floor to suggestions. Only nice ones, please. She gets to choose the winner, and I’ll put up five bison bucks for a prize. Creative writing students are especially encouraged to participate.

In conclusion, the year seems finally off to a somewhat stable beginning, and I’m enjoying getting to know new faces while catching up with old ones. If you are one of the old ones and you haven’t found me yet, I’m in portable A, which is next to portable 21, and nowhere near portable B.

Blog on, Sunset. Blog on.

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