Ok, so the previous post was indeed my last lame attempt at another April Fool’s joke. I managed to pull one over yesterday on one of my decathletes, several of my freshmen, and even my pastor. I love April fool’s day!
I guess bloggers are just smarter than that–most of you didn’t even blink an eye. Or maybe you just all know me too well by now. How sad, just as the year draws to a close, and many of you will be shuffling off to Mrs. Grimes English II Pre-AP class.
Welcome to new bloggie Shayna in My Life. Be sure to stop by, say hello, and welcome her to the blogosphere. Christina Puga, who was so nice to visit us yesterday, started a new blog called “Harvard Mexican,” but she hasn’t posted anything to it yet. I’ll link to it when there’s something there–assuming she finds the time amidst the rigorous academics of Harvard University. Ana, if you’re reading this, you need to start a blog, too. We can make a special “Sunset Alumni” section for the two of you.
I fully expect student blogging to be at a minimum this weekend, since all of you will be working so very hard (at the last minute, of course) on your research projects. Maybe a short post to comment on the end of the Odyssey would be in order, though.
Happy Procrastinating…