I finally managed to convert a couple old songs of mine from cassette tape to MP3. It wasn’t easy, and the quality isn’t as perfect as I’d like, but they still came out quite nicely. I wrote and recorded both of these songs on a Roland Synthesizer the summer between my senior year of high school and my freshman year of college. The first is a short, upbeat song I call “One Hundred” that I mostly just wrote to test the capabilities of the synthesizer. The second is a longer instrumental arrangement of a song I had previously written for Amy, called “Forever.” I think I had the genre of “movie soundtracks” in mind for both of them. Basically, I remember locking myself in my room for several days when I got hold of the synthesizer (which I had borrowed from church), going nuts with capabilities that (at the time) blew my little Yamaha keyboard out of the water. But still, all the tracks are my own, entirely from scratch, including all the percussion. Ever since I recorded these, I’ve always dreamed about someday recording versions of them with a full symphonic orchestra. Anyhow, here are the songs.
As with all my music, they are published under a Creative Commons license — so feel free to share, copy, download, distribute, remix, rearrange, redistribute or whatever else you feel like doing with them. Enjoy!
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