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Category Archives: College
O Happy Letter!
912This Saturday, we received a long-anticipated letter in the mail. I’ve been accepted into the M.Div program at Princeton Seminary. Princeton is one of the oldest and most prestigious seminaries in the nation, has a great academic reputation, and (we … Continue reading
My New Alma Mater
In the car on the way home from church, as my wife is listening to Car Talk on National Public Radio… Grady: Mommy…is that N-P-R? Amy: Yes, Grady. Grady: NPR is Daddy’s college. Amy: No, Daddy’s college is O-R-U. Grady: … Continue reading
Posted in College, Grady, Humor
In One Paragraph, State Your Hopes and Concerns Regarding the Church and Its Mission.
This is an excerpt from my admissions application to Princeton Seminary: Many Christians despair over the church’s loss of the “favored status” it once occupied in Western culture. Many seem to be engaged in a desperate attempt to turn back … Continue reading
Posted in Church, College, Open Source
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8 Days, 13 States, and 3,300 miles
It went something like this: Texas–> Arkansas–> Tennessee–> [Visit the Jeff, Ami, & Kiran]–> Virginia–>Maryland–> West Virginia–> Pennsylvania–> New Jersey–> [Visit Princeton Seminary]–> Pennsylvania–> Ohio–> Indiana–> Illinois–> Missouri–> Oklahoma–> [Visit Grady Walker]–> Texas. Whew! There’s something to be said for … Continue reading
Princeton Seminary
787788786 Coming on the heels of the last post, it probably sounds a bit crazy to say that I’m applying for admission to Seminary, and intend to pursue ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church. … Continue reading
Longhorn Victor
Ok, so it may be a pretty dramatic way to get someone’s attention, but Victor deserves a post anyhow. This past weekend, I went with Victor (and his mother & brother) down to Austin to help him move in and … Continue reading
Posted in College, Sunset HS, Travel
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Ok, So I Copied Mrs. Grimes…
I tried out College Matchmaker and it seems that my top two matches were 1) Columbia, and 2) Georgetown University. I could see Columbia (although my high school GPA would have prevented me from getting accepted there), but Georgetown? How … Continue reading
Posted in College, Pop-Culture
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